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[bridgette and jason]

so....two posts in two days!  What is going on you may ask?   A new computer and frantic editing, I reply!  Oh, and a new website in the works as well.  No time like the week before school begins again to tackle all of this, but that's how I roll, I suppose.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy these images from Jason and Bridgette's evening wedding....I kind of wish most weddings were at this time, as the light is so gorgeous.  The ceremony was at Trinity Church on Delaware, which has, if you didn't know, some beautiful examples of Tiffany stained glass.












This cracks me up....I LOVE this image of Bridgette and Jason....the way he looks at her, her beauty, the casualness of the group, and the bridesmaid who is clearly not aware that I am photographing.


Ahh...Pearl Street.  My home away from home, it seems.  BEST pot roast ever (this from a former almost vegetarian).  They did not disappoint once again, despite not having power to more than half of the building for a majority of the evening.....even the candle lit bathrooms were rather cozy!




These two were busting moves all evening!  And, I have to thank the flower girl, who was my shooting assistant for a portion of the reception :)



[kimberly and matt]

When I met Kimberly last year, she mentioned that she wanted to just have fun on her wedding day.  I love when a bride to be says that....I know it is going to be a laid back, creative sort of day for me, so how can I say no to that?

The day began for me down at her sister's house in Angola...



and then on to my new favorite church at which to photograph....Christ the King Chapel at Canisius, (and best Priest ever, Father Bucki!)







Since Kimberly and Matt are rather nautical people (Matt just became a Captain!), we went down to the waterfront for some fun stuff...


Kimberly's brother arranged for a little surprise- I can say I had previously never photographed a bride and groom on a boat like this.



Eric rocked!


Before the reception in Angola, Matt and Kimberly wanted to stop and visit Grandma Frost, who was recovering from a hip injury in Elderwood in Hamburg.  She was so happy, seeing Kimberly in her dress....we were all crying (which makes it a bit hard to photograph!)


I love candy jars for the guests....lots of good color and shape to work with.



Good old fashioned cake fight!




[sarah and ken, the wedding]

I know I am being totally redundant, but this has been one unbelievable summer for awesome weddings.  And just when I think I was excited for the last one, the next one comes along and blows me away in another direction.  Sarah and Ken's engagement session was one of my favorites- those two just couldn't stop smiling at one another.  And despite the rainy day that somewhat altered their vineyard wedding, the smiles prevailed and lasted throughout the evening.

I got to Becker Farms just a bit before Sarah and Ken and fell in love instantly with all of the details....btw, the flowers by Wegman's  were pretty damn amazing.


Here's Ken, true to form.



Sarah, stunning in her vintage dress and Etsy accessories!



A wet tux from the sudden downpour did not deter the smile from Ken's lips...




A red barn may just be my favorite wedding photo background....



I am noticing a trend here...anytime there are fowl nearby, the men of the wedding party feel compelled to chase them...why is this?


This little guy  felt right at home in his role as best man understudy.


Maybe a bit too at home? (Yes, he is munching on the boutonniere)






I love the evening light after a good gave such an amazing glow during the first dance, not to mention s & k's pure bliss.





The guests did not disappoint was a pretty fun evening!


